The open water swim portion of a triathlon can be daunting- learn some tips for managing this portion of the event.

Five great reasons to ramp up your swim training now.


By Pam Rogers Yes, it’s true…winter in New England has been very unkind this year. As the cold and precipitation continues to linger, hopefully we can find refuge and fitness indoors at a local pool.

Five great reasons to ramp up your swim training now.2020-10-27T15:57:04-04:00

Planning for a solid open-water swim.


By Pam Rogers From the seasoned iron-distance athlete to the aquatic newbie, pretty much everyone has experienced the trepidation — and adrenalin surge — that arises from the very thought of diving into the fray

Planning for a solid open-water swim.2020-10-27T15:58:19-04:00
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