There are myriad of ways to train and get exercise on Cape Cod! Join us at NEEE for a variety of workouts related to triathlon all over the Cape.

Where can I train on Cape Cod? – June edition


Here's the May edition of our summary of training opportunities on Cape Cod. Want to receive each month's news in your inbox? Complete the request form at the bottom of this blog post! -----

Where can I train on Cape Cod? – June edition2020-10-27T15:58:06-04:00

Time to start prepping for those fall 5ks?


Not every runner thinks of summer as the “ideal” time of year to run hard and fast. Sure, a running race anytime of the year can be challenging and rewarding (just think of the “Grand

Time to start prepping for those fall 5ks?2021-05-12T15:24:37-04:00

Planning for a solid open-water swim.


By Pam Rogers From the seasoned iron-distance athlete to the aquatic newbie, pretty much everyone has experienced the trepidation — and adrenalin surge — that arises from the very thought of diving into the fray

Planning for a solid open-water swim.2020-10-27T15:58:19-04:00

Don’t train alone this pre-season!


Oh, so you can keep yourself fully motivated by doing hard workouts by yourself? Good for you! For the rest of us, misery loves company... Here's a listing of ongoing group training events held on Cape

Don’t train alone this pre-season!2021-03-23T15:42:47-04:00

What is New England Endurance Events?


New England Endurance Events is a race promotion company owned and managed by triathletes in the Greater Boston area and Cape Cod. We LOVE giving other athletes the opportunity to challenge themselves and have

What is New England Endurance Events?2021-03-23T15:13:11-04:00
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